Down with AI and SEO

PC Police

This is my blog My Words. For a very short period I used AI and SEO AI. Never again. Not my stuff. I Blog because I enjoy writing my thoughts. Not Googles or Microsoft. I know I am going to take a hit from the big guys. To me, this another way to control content!

American Justice is sliding Deeper into the Abyss




American Justice sliding Deeper into Abyss

81922 This last week has been very troubling. American Justice is sliding Deeper into the Abyss. We are watching our Greatest Law Enforcement being politized more deeper than ever before. President Trump was invaded by our top law enforce, in what appears to be totally political. God word tells us of troubles we are going to have as we turn further from God. In one word, we are in for some turmoil beyond anything we have seen before. I do believe if we would turn back to God, we may see a reprive. But in time the world will get worse and those of Faith will be persacuted more. We People who believe in the Faith of God, the King James Bible and rightly divide the word of God already know this and we look forward to being caught up in the Air with Christ.

So only God knows how deep American Justice slide

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