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Trump and Dr. Phil Discuss the verdict


Verdict SO wrong. So wrong. So wrong.

We need to get this interview to all. I am not as nice as Trump. If we end up in ww3- What I have seen democrats broke many laws and have lied every step of the way and twisted our nations laws to meet person gain and I think they will take the next step create a marshal law situation to keep the power they have. This makes every lefty a trader. I have several blogs under danwillie.

I really fear for Donald Trumps safety. We need to pray for him. Remember the FBI were ready to kill him if necessary to carry out the search warrant. There is no limit to what they will do, now he is leading in the Polls.

We need to make a national Trump day declared by the American people

Ben Garrison’ s cartoons and my articles have been shut down by the media for a decade, I wrote many articles using Ben’s cartoons on Russia, Russia, Russia, the first lie almost a decade ago. Ben has been right-on with his cartoons. Check -out his website for even 100s more. The last cartoon is my creation..

This is the end of this Article. Wake up Americans, you are about to loose your country. In the video that Phil put together, it looks like Biden is selling off America to China. So many things I think are treason!

External Links

Trump and Dr. Phil Discuss the verdict

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