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Hillary starts ISIS

War tyorn Syrian homes

Hillary starts ISIS. Will this slide off Clinton’s back???

Below are links proving Clinton Started and armed ISIS! This makes Trump’s dirty talk video looks like a walk in the park.Trump called Hillary the ‘founder’ of ISIS. Now we know he was telling the truth. The Media lied again except for
John Podesta, Hillary’s campaign chair, was the recipient of the 2014 email. See more, click on Photo! This needs more investigation, but I will bet it will see none!

Hillary starts ISIS
Hillary starts ISIS
The email proves Hillary knew and was complicit in the funding and arming of ISIS by our ‘allies’ Saudi Arabia and Qatar!
the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL…” Clinton wrote

Another Wikileaks
Another Wikileaks

Click on email to see more! I found this link on MSNews. % minutes later it was gone. Email text from WikiLeaks. It was just discussed on Foxnews.

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Hillary starts ISIS

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