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Vote for Pence Trump Ticket

Vote for Pence Trump Ticket

Today we Christian are all faced with a very difficult choice. Voting for the president rots our stomach. To me, Hillary has a record to disqualified her no matter what. This website and many others have tons of historical info to support our views. Donald Trump, I believe means well and has value in his policies, but his history in the entertainment business is haunting him. Whether all is true or not, the Hillary political machine has lots of fodder to work with. And with her ethics, anything goes.

Pence Trump Make America Great Again
Pence Trump Make America Great Again

There is one thing I constantly hear is Republican, Christian and other women voting for Hillary because of Trumps crudeness. To me, vote for Hillary is a vote for corruption and criminal activities that have followed the Clintons for the last 30 years. There is so much evidence for this view, that I can’t see why this group is voting for her.

In this letter, I want to make a case for Pence Trump. When I first seen Trump, I was wasn’t for him neither. Then he selected Pence whom I see as an honest Christian man under God’s authority. In the Bible, God has used many Christians in the No. 2 position to further his plan in this world.

Pence Trump Ticket
Pence Trump Ticket

Also, Donald Trump has further gained more support from me as he developed his policies through this process. I wished he was a more controlled person in communication while he learned all that he has learned about America’s needs. In his defense, he is fighting against what I think is the most corrupt and even criminal political machine in our life and maybe since this country first came about. What I do see, is God is working in Donald’s life too. It took much courage, to make the statement against Abortion in the last debate.

Another plus. Trump has put forth some very good policies to make America great again. The Supreme Court selections being the single most important issue in this election. His economic plan is the second. We need to protect this nation and our people first. Remember Sampson had an eye for beautiful women too as Ben Garrison shows below. To see more cartoons by Ben, click photo!

Trump as Sampson
Trump as Sampson

So in ending this letter to Americans across this country, Please reconsider voting for Hillary and think of the ticket, as the Pence Trump Ticket. And Pray that God can use these two men to change America back to the values many of us hold true in America. Checkout or Twitter search #america2020us.

Another Ben Garrison Cartoon- Click to see more.

Third Round
Third Round

I am Dan W. Frantz. My Blogger Name danwillie.

Twitter account Name @danwillie1


Vote for Pence Trump Ticket from politics

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Vote for Pence Trump Ticket

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