Down with AI and SEO

PC Police

This is my blog My Words. For a very short period I used AI and SEO AI. Never again. Not my stuff. I Blog because I enjoy writing my thoughts. Not Googles or Microsoft. I know I am going to take a hit from the big guys. To me, this another way to control content!

Don’t See A win for Trump to day

American Freedom is vanishing today




America Continues the Slide toward the Abiss

Trump’s window is getting tight. 50/50 on a good day.The hope we all had that election Integrity and return to American Values. Not happening in this election. Not surprised. I was hoping for some election reform and return to American values. Might happen if Republicans get the Senate. Appears to me Abortion rules the day. Americans want more. And this will only divide the country deeper. I don’t see a way forward for Trump.

This an excellent time to open the Word of God. There is a hope that is real and that will happen. Matthew 24. The Kingdom, Just think of it, 1000 years of Peace, no election fraud, No Abortions on demand. No sin. God gave us the US Supreme Court to show us how corrupt America is.

Trump is a politician of a different kind. Hated by many, loved by more.

Trumps chances 50/50 only if he beats Big Tech

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