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God’s battle continues. Hillary is back!

We americans still have a Choice to be Free Praying and Voting!

Its God’s battle now!

The battle is still on. Keep America in Prayer. We must defeat the evil that will continue to pop up. Hillary will not accept defeat by Donald Trump. She is an irritating noise that won’t go silent. Today with the help of Soros and Jill Stein, they are crying about the vote being corrupt. This website has many pages of her corruption. I honestly believe until she is in jail, we will hear her yada yada yada. A real babbling fool second to none.


Well, it has been all along. In a few days we find out whether God thinks we are nation worth saving. To me, the other path is a continuation of nation too corrupt to save. As Christians, it is our responsibility to pray for our nation, that god’s will, will be done. On this site I did what I could to reach out with what I see are facts necessary to move Trump across the winning line. He has problems, we all have had to deal with. But I said, the number 2 man, Mike Pence is a man of God and God has used number 2 many times to promote his will.

This website is full of reasons why not to elect Hillary Clinton. But as I was reminded today from talk show while on the road, half of this nation believes she is good for America even with all this baggage and history of corruption. So if Trump does win, it will take a revival to bring together this nation. That means much prayer.

So with four days left and a very close election, let’s open our hearts to God and pray for our nation. Pray for America! Today, Election day Nov 8 2016 we are seeing a miracle. One that has never been seen in America. Thank you Lord for what has been done. Using Donald Trump and Mike Pence, you have showed our country that we do have a way forward for a change. Now we must start to work toward those values which many Americans hold dear -One Nation under God. America is redeemable. Thank you God! The work now begins. Give  Donald Trump and Mike Pence the wisdom needed for the job ahead.

Pray for America
Pray for America!


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God’s battle continues. Hillary is back!