Down with AI and SEO

PC Police

This is my blog My Words. For a very short period I used AI and SEO AI. Never again. Not my stuff. I Blog because I enjoy writing my thoughts. Not Googles or Microsoft. I know I am going to take a hit from the big guys. To me, this another way to control content!

What do you Think, Can we really Celebrate in 2023?

Country in Distress



Was America Greater in 2022?

Each time we had a good thing happen this year, it was followed by several bad things. I have dwelled on those in this site. If we excel this year, it will be God’s deliverance not something man has done. Americans need to be in Prayer and reading Gods word, because we don’t even understand what sin is. As a nation we are a promoter of Sin and right hand of Satan himself. We are a nation under Judgement. Will Americans see this and turn bad to God.

I have 2 other sites I want to promote here. and

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