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Where is America Going?

God, The Bible, Country, Freedom

America’s downfall for turning away from God- Derision

By danwillie

This article is about where we are at in America with the problems at hand. Many people feel what we are in is what God calls, a result of derision, because of our sin nature as a nation.

There are many issues today that complicate where America is standing in this world. These issues have a lot to do with how America perceives the god which they profess to believe in. On our money we coin “In God We Trust” but we don’t believe in that God. This is key to all that we try to accomplish in this world. Americans say “In God We Trust” but we have no faith in that God and because we don’t see that God as the focus of our nation, we ramble around with no clear objectives because we have turned away from our moral Directions. ” In derision”

In the last 50 years that I have been in this world I have seen how we have demoralized our surroundings and we have ignored our God individually more and more. God requires our faith first of all in who he is and by way of that faith he provides us moral Direction using his Words in the Bible to help us go through this world serving him.

When we take the time to read Romans we find that all of us have fallen short in our sinners. No one is without sin. but God has a way for us in his word by faith and faith alone believing in Christ Jesus death burial and Resurrection. This is the gospel According to Paul’s Epistles.

Our faith in Christ is a personal decision that will help us in what we do politically in the world today. This is why I asked each of you to examine your faith and where you stand with Christ. My suggestion is to take the time and read Romans animate be necessary to read it several times in order to understand what your standing is with Jesus Christ. This has nothing to do with the church you are attending your membership or you’re standing with that church. This is much more personal and requires reflection on who Jesus Christ is.

To me, the Book of Romans will help you to understand this and also other Epistles that Paul wrote Such as 1st Corinthians 15. in this age of Grace and the body of Christ as depicted in Paul’s Epistles you will find that Paul clearly is the Apostle to the Gentiles or the world.

As we go through these troubled times, My Hope and my prayer is that each American will see what I perceive as we have taken many detours away from our faith and have allowed those without faith to take control of many of our functions in American society. Those of us who are in the body of Christ need to be in prayer for this country that we get back on track with our faith in Christ as a nation.

Are we at derision. I think we’re close, but we have a great God and by his grace we all we all stumble from time to time. but I do believe that Christ’s faithfulness is far greater than anything we can perceive.

I’m seeing so many positive things happening in America our court system at the Supreme Court level has made many Goods decisions. Our Congress appears to be on track to make God first in its planning with the new speaker Mike Johnson. But even as we see these good things, we also see the lower courts and the DOJ that are doing things contrary to our constitution.

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Where is America Going?

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