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Alleluia- Alleluia- Impeachment of them all- Great Day!

The Bible, God Country Freedom

On September 23 2023 Speaker Kevin McCarthy #ImpeachmentInquiry

We’ll follow the facts to hold Joe Biden accountable. #ImpeachmentInquiry

We’ll follow the facts to hold Joe Biden accountable. #ImpeachmentInquiry

Marjorie Taylor Green announce impeachment.

“It is with the highest amount of solemnity that I announce my intention to introduce articles of impeachment today, on the head of this America-last executive branch, that has been working since Jan. 20, 2021, to systematically destroy this country, the president of the United States, Joseph Robinette Biden,”

“Joe Biden has deliberately compromised our national security by refusing to enforce immigration laws and secure our border, allowed approximately 6 million illegals from over 170 countries to invade our country, deprived border patrol of the necessary resources and policies sufficient to protect our country, and his administration has willfully refused to maintain operational control as required by law,”

“His policies, directives, and statements surrounding the Southern border have violated our laws and destroyed our country. Biden has blatantly violated his constitutional duty, and he is a direct threat to our national security. Therefore, Joseph Robinette Biden is unfit to serve as President of the United States and must be impeached.”

Marjorie is very busy these days with Impeachment.

The Administrative State is CORRUPT to its core and we must do everything we can to REMOVE them from office.

  1. Joe Biden 
  2. Christopher Wray,
  3. Matthew Graves
  4. Merrick Garland 
  5. Alejandro Mayorkas

These officials MUST be impeached before they can do any more damage to America.

If you agree, become a Citizen Cosponsor right away!

Go to to help Marjorie Taylor Green and Get involved with impeachment

Everytime Congress takes a step Biden’s DOJ charges Trump with another So called Crime. What will it be this time?

External Links

Alleluia- Alleluia- Impeachment of them all- Great Day!