2023 New Year- Aw Humbug!
If you are expecting this new year 2023 to change, not much chance of that happening! We have created the misery we are in because we have ignored the God we serve, and because of that, God is allowing us to live in our Misery. It’s really far worse than that. Sin is prevailing against God. We Americans have turned our backs against God.
Unless God is in our decision making, we are about to suffer as Israel did in the minor profits. Not a pretty picture. So, change can happen, but America needs to as a nation, put God in the forefront. Less politics more Truth. Ben Garrison is Right on in this old cartoon,
Graphics on this page are from Grrrgraphics.com by Ben Garrison’s Team the best Cartoon Graphics in USA
In the beginning of a change, the patriot is scarce man, and brave, and hated and
scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to
be a patriot.” -Mark Twain