Down with AI and SEO

PC Police

This is my blog My Words. For a very short period I used AI and SEO AI. Never again. Not my stuff. I Blog because I enjoy writing my thoughts. Not Googles or Microsoft. I know I am going to take a hit from the big guys. To me, this another way to control content!

President Trump’s Work to remove Impoundment Act

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What a good thing to empower the President with!

This article is based on Roman’s article at The Epoch Times . This requires a subscription, but if subscribe to them you will have an endless supply of Excellent Journalism. And they had a special that the rate is almost free.

This power of #impoundment Act I hope will be over turned and the power of the purse returned to the presidency. For 200 years it was the power of the President. Join me in making America aware of this over reach of Congress to remove the power of the presidency.

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