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In God we Trust

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For Americans Today

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Thank You Lord for Your Grace on America!

Trump is up against entrenched corruption

Today with the election of Donald Trump for President, America can Thrive Again!

We in America now have opportunity to Help America Thrive, by holding this President and this government in Prayer for Protection against the corruption that has been building for many years.

Donald Trump knows the value of God’s Grace toward him, but as any man he needs America Praying for him to keep the path straight and true.

The picture below shows convergence and divestment occurring during this Christmas season in the political landscape. But we must keep America and the Trump Team in Prayer and remember the Birth of Christ that changed the world.

As Christians, remember that Faith and Faith Alone in Christ according to the scriptures, leads to Salvation and it is the season to remind us who that Christ is and what he has done for all who believe in him.

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Thank You Lord for Your Grace on America!