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Alphabet Media of the New World Order

America still sliding into the Abyss

Who’s Who at CBNSM to Head New World Order Mouth Peace

Being an old peer of this group is scary. I am glad I parted ways many years ago. And that was good because what they did secretly to our nation is become hard to swallow as supporting their oath of Service to America. They now have left their service to America and supporting a new World Order detrimental to American Sovereignty.

  • John Brennan, former Director of the CIA, now senior intelligence analyst
  • Frank Figliuzzi, formeer Assistant Director of Counterintelligence at the FBI
  • Asha Rangappa, former Special Agent for the FBI, specializing in counterintelligence
  • Nicolle Wallace, former Communications Director for George W. Bush
  • Jeremy Bash, former Chief of Staff of the CIA
  • Clint Watts, former FBI counterintelligence agent and national security analyst
  • Chuck Rosenberg, former Acting DEA administrator and senior FBI official
  • Nayyera Haq, former Senior Director of the White House
  • Richard Painter, former Chief Ethics lawyer in the George W. Bush White House
  • Neal Kaytal, former Acting Solicitor General of the United States
  • Ben Rhodes, former National Security Advisor to Barack Obama
  • Barry McCaffrey, former U.S. Army General and Drug Czar, now security analyst
  • Stephen Twitty, former Lieutenant General of the U.S. Army
  • Joyce Vance, former U.S. Attorney
  • Barbara McQuade, former U.S. Attorney
  • Glenn Kirschner, former Assistant U.S. Attorney

These are powerful people and with influence that goes back decades. We do need to watch out for all Alphabet Media and what new world order ideas they are to promote tomorrow. There is a desperation in the world that we could see American Sovereignty dissolved. And I believe Alphabet Media will be involved.

Matt Taibbi has an excellent article on these people. Please go and read his post. And by the way Matt, I am retired and can’t subscribe to every writer. But I understand.

Link to Matt Taibbi article is on Media and “Authoritarianism” – TK News by Matt Taibbi (

drain the swamp
drain the swamp

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Alphabet Media of the New World Order