Russian Hacking
Media Missleading Again
The story is wrong. Why aren’t we investigating what wikileaks reveal. The DNC and Podesta got caught with their pants down.
Would someone change the diapers on the DNC, so we can move on.

They have crashed and burned on the Recount efforts. Read my Tweet below
The big letter media, NYT and WP are trying to detroy the enthusism behind the Trump movement by finding anything they can to discredit Trump’s win. This Russian hacketing is the most humourous part of this whole thing. We have learned over the past year, how corrupt the DNC and Hillary Clinton are when it comes to elections, doing business while in office, and misusing political power. The wikileak leaks have given us a slice of communication, that if the media properly investigated would probably keep the people in Justice busy for the next four years. I remember how Project Veritas used some wikileaks to verify what they had found, which was a series of video stories of questionable criminal activity, and that should have been investigated by the above mentioned medias. But because it would convict some of there preconceived ideals or harm their protected candidates, they chose to bury their heads in the sand, and create there own version of News- Fakenews.
Damn did I say the media Lied for Hillary Clinton. Did they produce Fake News. Yes, we had so much misrepresentation by the Medias above, that many of us turn off the TV News at night and found other sources. The Garbage that came across the TV was truely Garbage and as rotten as it gets. Hillary topped the rotteness never saying anything about issues and every piece of trash she could find on Trump. And now that Trump has won, all that trash has dissappeared.
So in ending, Yes I voted and supported Trump. My decision was when he appointed Mike Pence. Thank God for that man. And Thank God for Trump because there is no one else that could have stand in front of the Hillary Machine and won. I sent this tweet this morning.
#recount crashed burned. #Media out selling #russia beat @VoteHillary2016 not @realDonaldTrump. @Reince set fire #russianhacking idea.
— Danwillie (@Danwillie1) December 11, 2016