Blogger Danwillie- Author and Webmaster
Hi- Danwillie Blogger and Dan Frantz webmaster here with some history. The is blog and 5 other blogs are maintained authored and edited by me. There is no team, just me. This has been a great ride being active in the the Trump election. I do get some help from Ben Garrison’s cartoons. He always seems to be thinking on my wavelength when comes to putting out another post. So, you will find many of his cartoons in my post. This site has a lot of reference materials in the pages, and I have been writing for 5 years on this blog. I started this when I see that if the liberals continue to destroy the fabric of America, erode the constitution, that as a country as we knew would be gone. 5 years ago, the thought was by many, we would be 5 nations. Or at war again. When Donald Trump came along and brought on Mike Pence and started formulating policies for the Make America Great Again, I seen a possibility that American Freedom could be renewed, and the constitution used to guide our country again.
IMark Twain- In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and »corned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.”ts been a tough fight with Google and Microsoft. And lately I thought I would have problems with WordPress and their requirement for SSL and Certificates. This is a labor of love for me. The enjoyment I get from writing this blog and the others has been fun. I hoped that my ads would help to cover my cost but so far I haven’t broke even. I just started with Amazon ads and I hope they are of value to you.
Well, this is all I have time for now. I hope you do find value here and will tell your friends. the Twitter is danwillie1 and the Hashtags with is site are #america2020us and #USAlivetoday. I am an avid hiker enjoying many of our parks.
Ben Garrison – So right
sRecent New
It’s just discussing the degree they will to manipulate events only to fulfill their political agenda, even at the cost of lives.
There is no Peace. Americans will soon be under Siege
Soon the Prisons will be filled with MAGA Protestors. This was Biden’s plan and with this act, We now know our government is against All Americans.
Ben Garrison Tribute to Excellences
Many years ago I got an agreement with Ben to use his cartoons in my websites. He is the best political cartoonist on this earth.
Alleluia- Alleluia- Impeachment of them all- Great Day!
On September 23 2023 Speaker Kevin McCarthy #ImpeachmentInquiry. We’ll follow the facts to hold Joe Biden accountable. #ImpeachmentInquiry
Against Principalities, Powers, Rulers of the Darkness of this World.
I know the that the battle I have chosen may lead to the demise of this site and what I say here. Today, our corruption is from the high places in our government. The wickedness is visible to anyone watching events unfold
Death, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus Christ
And behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent. Christ Jesus Died
Today, It’s all in God’s hands
It’s all in God’s Hands. For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ:
In the Bible, Nations (Gentiles and Jews) Appear 336 times
Nations-the world. For those to say, he changed direction is wrong. His foreknowledge knew the Jews were of little faith …
The Gospel as Christ revealed to Paul
The Gospel as Christ revealed to Paul for the Jews and Gentiles. The purpose in salvation and Faith.
Trump is Doing Well.
President-Elect Trump is changing our world daily. Every word is having an impact. We definitely need to Pray for wisdom for President Trump because there are still 70 million wanting to take him down. This 70 Million wanted to take America down force us into the world order.
Thank You Lord for Your Grace on America!
we must keep America and the Trump Team in Prayer and remember the Birth of Christ that changed the world.
Alphabet Media still Sick
We hear MSNBC is on life support. Its time to pull the monetary plug.