We now see some of why the Dems hid Covid / Election policies.
In effect, the Dems hid Covid / Election policies sided with the left, and pre-banned criticism of vote-by-mail at the narrative level five months before the 2020 election. So, using the banning of social media traffic on Covid Truths and Election mail-in problems, which were known to many, they used the corporation’s control of social media to affect the Election outcome. And by scaring Americans with false truths about covid, the mail-in was the only safe way.
In the tweet by KanekoaTheGreat below this is demonstrated clearly. There is so many was the Dems lied to win.
Graphics on this page and throughout this website is from Grrrgraphics.com the best Cartoon Graphics in the USA.
Other sites of interest Sitemap Kari Lake more data to support Election Fraud Hold on- in Arizona Jan 29 Kari Lake Rally And Judicial Watch. Grrrgraphics.com
This is an on going story -Covid / Election policies hid by Dems