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RussiaGate a decade of democrat Rott

Shrine of Statists

The stench of Sick Democrats is all over this!

Ben Garrison was as always right-on with this cartoon and the one on the end of this article.

Below in an article from Kash Patel. I am impressed with his knowledge of political events in the Trump administration and his in-site in the current battles President Trump is facing. He is putting out efforts to curtail the Lawlessness we have all witness

A brief story about my time exposing the Russia Gate hoax:

What I discovered when I led the Russia Gate investigation is one of the primary reasons I created The Kash Foundation to fight the Deep State and the two-tiered system of justice. Now, I am exposing their corruption with the help of whistleblowers. You can click here to help support my mission today.

When Devin Nunes asked me to run the Russia Gate investigation, I told him whatever we discovered, good or bad, had to be published. Our investigation exposed Russia Gate, the unconstitutional surveillance of a political target to interfere in a presidential election cycle, and we caught them. The Durham report confirmed what we found: that the FBI launched the investigation with ZERO legal justification.

But what I discovered later shocked me even more.

The DOJ illegally spied on me during the Russia Gate investigation!

I have always believed, like many Americans, that if I do the right thing, then I have nothing to worry about. I felt like I was being attacked like a traitor to my own country. It hurt me personally. 

And I’m not alone. The FBI put out a memo, a warning, about the terror threat of “traditional” Catholics.The FBI violated the law and used FISA warrantless (illegal) searches 278,000 times against Americans (some of whom they label domestic terrorists)! That’s your 4th Amendment right.
Here’s how we fight back against the two-tiered system: Expose them. Bring the light to the darkness. 

The Kash Foundation works with whistleblowers to expose the government gangsters in the Deep State. 2024 will be a pivotal year for our work of making sure there is no interference with our elections.

I am humbly asking you to join me today. My goal is to raise $30,000 in the next 48 hours. Can you donate $20.24, $50, $100, $250, or ANY amount to stop the Deep State interference with our democracy? Please click here to donate >>
I am on a mission to root out all government gangsters from positions within our bureaus. I know these people are still in positions of power, and we must expose them to the American people.

Without legal protections in place, whistle-blowers will not come forward. 

You can help us expose the Deep State and defend our election integrity in 2024. 

Thank you,

Kash Patel

This is the link in his email

This Ben Garrison cartoon was made many years ago. I pray that Donald Trump is only a martyr symbol. But we know already, the Government (Deep State) has no problem making this real. The fact that they had orders to shoot to Kill in Mar-a-largo raid shows this. Plus the ATF has been active in showing us how it is done.

We are in a period of time that will run out. And the fight to regain American values maybe greater than many can handle.

Biden was able to lie to all Americans with out any problems the other day on TV. And his grin at the end was as eerie as they come.

Do you remember the red background he had in a TV show he did. That eerie smile and red background shows who he is. How far will go. We may not see 2024 Elections. And if your a MAGA you maybe a samson.

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RussiaGate a decade of democrat Rott

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