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The Biden Family Corruption has Crossed all the Redlines!

Flag in distress

But will Biden Family Corruption Matter?

All the Biden Family Corruption of the past has been covered up by Media, DOJ, and other beholding to Biden.

The other day at a commencement speech he showed his colors by blowing off all he has done. Biden calls white supremacy ‘most dangerous terrorist threat’ in speech at Howard. Very Sick Sick Sick!

This is so sick in so many fronts that if he does make another 4 Years, America as a nation is gone.

Biden Family Corruption. Here is a Tweet with a laugh.

Tom Fitton at Judical Watch is all too familiar With Biden Corruption. Follow him to stay on top of this Biden Family Corruption.

Other sites of interest Sitemap Kari Lake more data to support Election Fraud Hold on- in Arizona Jan 29 Kari Lake Rally And Judicial Watch.

External Links

The Biden Family Corruption has Crossed all the Redlines!