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In God we Trust

In God we Trust -not AI
The Bible, God Country Freedom

For Americans Today

Corruption teaches us about America's Nature Outside of God's Plan

Over 200 Articles and Pages Goto Sitemap or Search

Get ready for the next Shoe to Drop!

Bullet missed by the Hand of God

Dems Planned this outrage!!!

We all in America knew that Joe Biden needed to be replaced. But watch the dems squirm. But this was pre-planned show. More to come to deceive the Americans. I wouldn’t be surprised if Biden sprouted angel wings and became the first of many deceivers yet to come. I show a Hillary picture as an image like a bad penny.. This may still may happen. I have been blogging on Hillary for several years on this.


Update Biden down with COVID. They finally found a way to remove him from the election. Get ready for the next slight of hand tricks. Donald J Trump survives an assassination attempt. Thank-you Lord for watching over him,

The Media and Dems have lied to the American people for a long time. I hope Americans wake up. But many have already drank the cool-aide. I pray for those who believe the Biden lies. Many of the photos are Ben Garrison. Please go to his site and see his many products.

Ben Garrison was right on with these three images . He has more that are right-on!

Wikileaks Helped

Hillary Clinton has failed to effectively contain the damage from the release of thousands of…
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BG Political Cartoons

Ben Garrison Political Cartoons- The Best Ben Garrison Link Please go to Ben’s site and…

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Danwillie’s Hub –

At X I have many acoounts 2012- danwillie 2014-danwillie1 2020-dw_frantz1 Today 2021-danwillie14

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