The US Presidential Race- Energy, Environment
“The certainty of uncertainty, in the political arena, is the only thing of which I am certain. The 2016 presidential election is already a cross between The Rocky Horror Picture Show and a full contact spectator sport. If it didn’t have such an impact on the global environment, I might find these theatrics of the absurd entertaining.” by By Joel B. Stronberg at Renewable Energy World
I do not share the dire picture by Joel. In America our republic works because we are a two party system. The pendulum has swung all the way the left and to a point that many of us in our country see our values, our economics, and the nation as a whole is falling apart. The bases of law is based on no standard. The left was hoping to continue with the destruction of our nations core, so they can continue their take over.
What I fail to see, is why Hillary is their answer. If she was a man, she would never win. You on the left need time-out to re-examine your values and what you wish to accomplish. Don’t cram a woman who is lacking in so many ways.
If by chance she is elected, the battle will continue. There is no way your candidate can lead this nation.

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