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No Trust Between Administrations

Trump 100 days

What do you do to Make America Great Again? #PRAY4DJT

  • When media is totally against you.
  • When the last President’s administration has been spying on you for year.
  • When Congress has been investigation you.
  • When the FBI is investigating you and your team.
  • When you see a previous party did harm to American Security.
  • When the last President is fighting against you.
  • When the opposing party doesn’t accept your winning the office.
  • When Congress delays approval of your people.
  • When previous administration people sabatog and leak critical activities.
  • When you are prosecuted by media and media serrogates daily.
  • And on and on

When you look at the list above, appears to be 3rd world insurrection effort toward this President.

You look ahead and do what the people elected you to do!

American must Pray for Donald Trump’s administration #PRAY4DJT

Be thankful for what he has accomplished.

Look for the next openings to move forward on the promises to Make America Great Again.

Be thankful that Hillary is not President.

Enforce the laws that have been ignored for many years.

Be thankfull for each days accomplishment

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Each day there is more to Make America Great Again. 10 more new judges.


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No Trust Between Administrations