Trump Russia and The Swamp Chess Game.
This is like an endless chess game, all to take out #Trump. The orchestration of the rules of this game is from the #Left and the #deepstate. This is a merciless game and a power struggle far greater than we have seen before. But the winners are not the Left.
The pawns are many and at times some become fighting knights or righteous bishops for a time. But in this game, the knights are sacrificed and the bishops disappear every day. And queens fall hard to pawns and then become Oblivious. So who is what today?
By all appearances today Trump is King because he has to be. The relentless daily onslaught of arrows requires an armored plated skin only #trump has from his years as a business tycoon and the wisdom of years of manipulating the political class. He knows their game and is slowly checking each move they make.

Queen Hillary has been demoted to a pawn. Peloci a bishop with sexgate, trying to fill the vacuum of Queen status. The demoted Democrats are trying to keep their pawn status. Obama, Hillary, A bunch of old big O admin leftovers pop out from behind a tree and snap an arrow off toward trump and then duck quickly. WAPO, NYT, CNN, ABC, NBC, and CBS are throwing darts constantly. They try to coordinate their darts and sometimes wound @Potus for a bit. But he has been there and gets back on his horse and moves. CNN the fake news of the year award.
CNN’S slogan is CNN, THE MOST TRUSTED NAME IN NEWS. Everyone knows this is not true, that this could, in fact, be a fraud on the American Public. There are many outlets that are far more trusted than Fake News CNN. Their slogan should be CNN, THE LEAST TRUSTED NAME IN NEWS!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 9, 2017
CNN’S slogan is CNN, THE MOST TRUSTED NAME IN NEWS. Everyone knows this is not true, that this could, in fact, be a fraud on the American Public. There are many outlets that are far more trusted than Fake News CNN. Their slogan should be CNN, THE LEAST TRUSTED NAME IN NEWS!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 9, 2017
More Russiagate and WAPO
CNN’S slogan is CNN, THE MOST TRUSTED NAME IN NEWS. Everyone knows this is not true, that this could, in fact, be a fraud on the American Public. There are many outlets that are far more trusted than Fake News CNN. Their slogan should be CNN, THE LEAST TRUSTED NAME IN NEWS!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 9, 2017
The Russian Chess piece is the longest-running adversary in American history. But this year, they are beating out the Left without trying, even with hands tied behind their back. The left’s smoke and mirrors to cover up bad moves made by the last administration are endless and the formation of RussiaGate to cover their tracks and take down #trump is fruitless. And what really bizarre, Russia did far less than the democrats and won much more than any other adversary on this chessboard. By all appearance, they could claim bishop or knighthood in American Politics. Stupid is as Stupid does. So in ending the first year of @Potus, I see both Trump and Russia winning in American Politics.
At the World level, this game ought to be America vs Adversaries game, or Trump vs Russia. But because of past Administration moves and the formation of #Russiagate as a cover-up, the balance of power is the Left being checked by Trump and Russia is quietly laughing at American politics. We have hung out our laundry for the world to see. I hope for our USA’s sake, Trump can Make America Great Again if he continues to win a Swamp chess game